Deadliest Warrior is a television show that airs on the Spike channel and premiered on April 7, 2009. The show was originally produced by Morningstar Entertainment, with 44 Blue taking over in 2011. Spike Original has been involved in the production since the beginning, alongside Blue 44 and Morningstar Entertainment. Deadliest Warrior has had a total run of three seasons and 32 episodes and one special episode. The premise of Deadliest Warrior is to see what warriors or fictional characters would win if they were to fight against each other. The show focuses on setting up battles between warriors that never had the opportunity to face each other in reality. One example would be the episode featuring a battle between a ninja and a pirate. The show follows the same format for every episode. The first portion is an introduction and historical background on each of the combatants. This is followed by an introduction of the combat experts for each side. Once the introductions are complete the show moves on to a listing of the weapons each side will use in the battle. Each weapon is then put through various tests to determine which is most effective. The weapon that receives the most votes from the hosts is given the edge in the final simulation. Finally, the show moves on to a dramatization showing a battle between the two sides. Only one dramatization is shown, but 1,000 simulations are run, with the victor in the dramatization being the side who won the majority of the simulations. The show has three permanent hosts and commentators, with different experts brought in to represent the competing sides. The first permanent host is Geoff Desmoulin. Geoff's specializes in the use of the high speed camera and is a medical expert. The second host is Armand Dorian, who is the primary medical specialist. Dr. Dorian provides feedback on if the damage caused by a particular weapon is a killing blow. The last permanent host is Max Geiger. Max is the individual in charge of programming the simulation software provided by Slitherine Strategies. In conclusion, Deadliest Warrior is one of Spike's most popular shows. Deadliest Warrior has consistently provided the channel's highest ratings, despite low reviews from critics. The show has garnered enough support that it has expanded into a web series, multiple video games on multiple platforms, and a film adaptation with Paramount Pictures.
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Where to Watch Deadliest WarriorDeadliest Warrior is available for streaming on the Spike TV website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Deadliest Warrior on demand at Amazon, Vudu and Apple TV.
Deadliest Warrior: The Game is a fighting game developed by Pipeworks Software and published by 345 Games. Based on the Spike documentary TV series Deadliest Warrior, the game allows players to take control of various warriors from different time periods, utilizing their own unique set of weapons, armor, and fight styles. It was first released as a downloadable title for the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade on July 14, 2010 and later for the PlayStation 3's PlayStation Network on October 5, 2010.[1]
Deadliest Warrior is a fighting game that pits two warriors from different time periods and locations in head-to-head combat in an open arena. Players are not restricted to a two-dimensional fighting plane like most fighting games and instead are allowed to move freely around the arena.[1] Each warrior has a unique set of weapons and attributes that the player must utilize appropriately in order to defeat their opponent. There are three different warrior classes, each utilizing different tactics based on evasive, defensive, and offensive capabilities. Guerillas lack armor, thus being more vulnerable to attacks but are much quicker in their movement and attacks, plus have a slow acting poison for their alternate projectile weapon. Champions specialize in heavier attacks and are slow due their use of a shield or heavy armor. Beserkers have strong attacks, but have weaker armor than the Champions and are slower than the Guerillas.
Following the game's release, three additional warriors were made available for play via downloadable content: a Rajput clan warrior of Medieval India, a Shaolin monk of the renowned Buddhist monastery, and a Zande tribal warrior of north central Africa.[4]
In choosing the warriors, creative director Prithvi Virasinghe said that it was "a combined effort between the show, the developers and the community", taking into account the most popular episodes. The developers deferred to using historical warriors as they felt that modern warriors, such as the special forces units profiled on the show, and in particular their contemporary firearms, would change the dynamics of the game too much.[7] The pirate however does wield a firearm although the decision to include the pirate was apparently "touch and go... right until the last minute", but would later be included due to the design choice of limited ammunition for ranged weapons, along with the popular internet meme of "pirates versus ninjas".[6] After 16 warriors were selected, they were further narrowed down to provide the "best match ups and differences in fighting style". Other characters would latter be chosen again for potential downloadable-content.[6]
Prior to release the developers wanted to include an option for downloadable content due to the selection process of warriors and the resulting cuts made. When the DLC was officially announced, Spike TV made a poll on their official website where users could vote for their favorite warrior, thus allowing fans of the show to decide on new warriors for the game.[8] Despite the poll also featuring historical figures like William Wallace and Vlad the Impaler, Spike later confirmed that no famous individuals from the show would appear in the first DLC pack. During the Live Aftermath segment on August 20, 2010, new Deadliest Warrior host Richard "Mack" Machowicz revealed that the Rajput would be one of the first downloadable character, with a possible release date in early 2011. 2ff7e9595c